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You searched for books similar to the book "The Bane Of The Black Sword (Elric Saga 9)"

There are 140 books that match your search query. You can click on a book to view more details about it or to also reserve it for borrowing.

Elric (Elric Saga collection)

100.00% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Stormbringer (Elric Saga 10)

100.00% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

Elric of Melnibone (Elric Saga 1)

74.38% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

The Sailor On The Seas Of Fate (Elric Saga 3)

74.38% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

The Vanishing Tower (Elric Saga 5)

74.38% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

The Weird Of The White Wolf (Elric Saga 4)

74.38% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 160 pages.

Castle Of Wizardry (The Belgariad 4)

31.28% match

written by David Eddings

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 448 pages.

Conan The Wanderer

31.28% match

written by Lin Carter, L. Sprague De Camp, Robert E. Howard

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

Elric At The End Of Time (Dancers at the End of Time 7)

31.28% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 208 pages.

Enchanters End Game (The Belgariad 5)

31.28% match

written by David Eddings

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 448 pages.

The Farthest Shore (Earthsea 3)

31.28% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 224 pages.

Magicians Gambit (The Belgariad 3)

31.28% match

written by David Eddings

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 448 pages.

Pawn Of Prophecy (The Belgariad 1)

31.28% match

written by David Eddings

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 352 pages.

Queen Of Sorcery (The Belgariad 2)

31.28% match

written by David Eddings

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 448 pages.

Tehanu (Earthsea 4)

31.28% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 208 pages.

The Tombs Of Atuan (Earthsea 2)

31.28% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 196 pages.

A Wizard Of Earthsea (Earthsea 1)

31.28% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 304 pages.

Conan And The Spider God

25.62% match

written by L. Sprague De Camp

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

Fallible Fiend

25.62% match

written by L. Sprague De Camp

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Fellowship Of The Ring (The Lord of the Rings 1)

25.62% match

written by J. R. R. Tolkien

There are 3 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 432 pages.

Glory Road

25.62% match

written by Robert A. Heinlein

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 319 pages.

The Hobbit

25.62% match

written by J. R. R. Tolkien

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 285 pages.

The Magic Goes Away

25.62% match

written by Larry Niven

Return Of The King (The Lord of the Rings 3)

25.62% match

written by J. R. R. Tolkien

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 544 pages.

The Runestaff (The History of the Runestaff 4)

25.62% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 144 pages.

The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings 2)

25.62% match

written by J. R. R. Tolkien

There are 4 copies available to borrow from the library.

Warlock In Spite Of Himself

25.62% match

written by Christopher Stasheff

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 280 pages.


22.45% match

written by Stephen Donaldson

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 96 pages.

The Golden Torc

22.45% match

written by Julian May

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 384 pages.

The Illearth War (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever 2)

22.45% match

written by Stephen Donaldson

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Lord Foul's Bane (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever 1)

22.45% match

written by Stephen Donaldson

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 544 pages.

The Many Coloured Land

22.45% match

written by Julian May

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 576 pages.

The One Tree (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever 2)

22.45% match

written by Stephen Donaldson

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 480 pages.

The White Gold Wielder (The Second Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, The Unbeliever 3)

22.45% match

written by Stephen Donaldson

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 512 pages.

The Cosmic Trilogy

14.48% match

written by C. S. Lewis

The Winds Twelve Quarters

14.48% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library.

Blood Of Amber (Chronicles of Amber 7)

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 215 pages.

Bored Of The Rings

8.82% match

written by Harvard Lampoon

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Castle Roogna (Xanth 3)

8.82% match

written by Piers Anthony

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 327 pages.

Centaur Aisle (Xanth 4)

8.82% match

written by Piers Anthony

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 294 pages.

The Courts Of Chaos (Chronicles of Amber 5)

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 142 pages.

Crewel Lye (Xanth 8)

8.82% match

written by Piers Anthony

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Dragon On A Pedestal (Xanth 7)

8.82% match

written by Piers Anthony

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 306 pages.

The Dying Earth

8.82% match

written by Jack Vance

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library.

Equal Rites (Discworld 3)

8.82% match

written by Terry Pratchett

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 288 pages.

Eric (Discworld 9)

8.82% match

written by Terry Pratchett

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 160 pages.

The Eye In The Pyramid (Illuminatus! 1)

8.82% match

written by Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 805 pages.

Eye Of Cat

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 188 pages.

Fourth Mansions

8.82% match

written by R. A. Lafferty

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

The Golden Apple (Illuminatus!)

8.82% match

written by Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 256 pages.

Golem In The Gears (Xanth 9)

8.82% match

written by Piers Anthony

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 336 pages.

Good Omens

8.82% match

written by Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 416 pages.

The Guns Of Avalon (Chronicles of Amber 2)

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 208 pages.

The Hand Of Oberon (Chronicles of Amber 4)

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 181 pages.


8.82% match

written by Robert A. Heinlein

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 368 pages.

Leviathan (Illuminatus!)

8.82% match

written by Robert Shea, Robert Anton Wilson

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 256 pages.

The Light Fantastic (Discworld 2)

8.82% match

written by Terry Pratchett

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 288 pages.

Lord Of Light

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 304 pages.

Midnight Blue: The Sonja Blue Collection

8.82% match

written by Nancy A. Collins

Mort (Discworld 4)

8.82% match

written by Terry Pratchett

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 320 pages.

Nine Princes In Amber (Chronicles of Amber 1)

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

Ogre, Ogre (Xanth 5)

8.82% match

written by Piers Anthony

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library.

Pyramids (Discworld 7)

8.82% match

written by Terry Pratchett


8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

Sign Of Chaos (Chronicles of Amber 8)

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 217 pages.

The Sign Of The Unicorn (Chronicles of Amber 3)

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 186 pages.

The Source Of Magic (Xanth 2)

8.82% match

written by Piers Anthony

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library.

Trumps Of Doom (Chronicles of Amber 6)

8.82% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 184 pages.

Waldo And Magic Inc

8.82% match

written by Robert A. Heinlein

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 208 pages.

The Adversary

5.66% match

written by Julian May

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 640 pages.

All The Weyrs Of Pern (Pern)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 480 pages.

The Black Corridor

5.66% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 128 pages.

The Champion Of Garathorm (The Chronicles of Castle Brass 1)

5.66% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

The Chronicles Of Corum

5.66% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Count Brass (The Chronicles of the Count Brass 1)

5.66% match

written by Michael Moorcock

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 144 pages.

The Crystal Singer (Crystal Singer 1)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 304 pages.

Dai San (Sunset Warrior 3)

5.66% match

written by Eric Van Lustbader

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 260 pages.

The Dark Design (Riverworld Saga 3)

5.66% match

written by Philip Jose Farmer

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 450 pages.

Daughter Of Regals

5.66% match

written by Stephen Donaldson

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 368 pages.

The Dead Of Winter (Thieves World 7)

5.66% match

written by Robert Asprin

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library.

Death's Master

5.66% match

written by Tanith Lee

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 456 pages.

Deryni Checkmate (The Chronicles of Deryni 2)

5.66% match

written by Katherine Kurtz

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 324 pages.

Deryni Rising (The Chronicles of Deryni 1)

5.66% match

written by Katherine Kurtz

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 304 pages.

The Diamond Throne (The Elenium 1)

5.66% match

written by David Eddings

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 496 pages.

The Dispossessed

5.66% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 336 pages.

The Dolphins of Pern (Pern)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 320 pages.

Dragondrums (Pern 6)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 288 pages.

Dragonquest (Pern 2)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 448 pages.

Dragonsdawn (Pern)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

Dragonsinger (Pern 5)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 288 pages.

Dragonsong (Pern 4)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 288 pages.

Fabulous Riverboat

5.66% match

written by Philip Jose Farmer

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 256 pages.

The Face Of Chaos (Thieves World 5)

5.66% match

written by

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 208 pages.

The First Fall (Pern 12)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 288 pages.

Get Off The Unicorn

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 384 pages.

Ghost King

5.66% match

written by David Gemmell

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 336 pages.

Gods Of Riverworld

5.66% match

written by Philip Jose Farmer

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Guardians Of The West (The Mallorean 1)

5.66% match

written by David Eddings

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Heir of Sea and Fire (Riddle-Master 2)

5.66% match

written by Patricia Mckillip

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 224 pages.

High Deryni (The Chronicles of Deryni 3)

5.66% match

written by Katherine Kurtz

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

The King Beyond The Gate (Drenai 2)

5.66% match

written by David Gemmell

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

King Of The Murgos (The Mallorean 2)

5.66% match

written by David Eddings

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 448 pages.

The Lathe Of Heaven

5.66% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

The Left Hand Of Darkness

5.66% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Legend (Drenai 1)

5.66% match

written by David Gemmell

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 352 pages.

Magician (The Riftwar Saga 1+2)

5.66% match

written by Raymond E. Feist

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 704 pages.

A Man Rides Through (Mordant's Need 2)

5.66% match

written by Stephen Donaldson

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 672 pages.

The Mists Of Avalon (Avalon 1)

5.66% match

written by Marion Zimmer Bradley

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 1024 pages.

Moreta, Dragon Lady Of Pern (Pern 7)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 416 pages.

The Paradise War (Song Of Albion 1)

5.66% match

written by Stephen R. Lawhead


5.66% match

written by Margaret Ball, Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 323 pages.

The Paths Of The Perambulator (Spellsinger 5)

5.66% match

written by Alan Dean Foster

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 320 pages.

Pegasus In Flight

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 416 pages.

Planet Of Exile

5.66% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 10 pages.

Quest For Lost Heroes (Drenai 4)

5.66% match

written by David Gemmell

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 320 pages.


5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

The Riddlemaster Of Hed (Riddle-Master 1)

5.66% match

written by Patricia Mckillip

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 240 pages.

Rocannon's World

5.66% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

The Ruby Knight (The Elenium 2)

5.66% match

written by David Eddings

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 448 pages.


5.66% match

written by Alan Dean Foster

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 248 pages.

Shadows Of Sanctuary (Thieves World 3)

5.66% match

written by

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 256 pages.

Shallows Of Night (Sunset Warrior 2)

5.66% match

written by Eric Van Lustbader

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

The Ship Who Sang

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 336 pages.

The Ship Who Searched

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Soul Of The City (Thieves World 8)

5.66% match

written by Robert Asprin, C. J. Cherryh, Lynn Abbey, Janet Morris

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Spellsinger (Spellsinger 1)

5.66% match

written by Alan Dean Foster

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 347 pages.

Storm Season (Thieves World 4)

5.66% match

written by

There are 3 copies available to borrow from the library.

The Sunset Warrior (Sunset Warrior 1)

5.66% match

written by Eric Van Lustbader

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 224 pages.

Swords Against Death (The Swords series 2)

5.66% match

written by Fritz Leiber

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Swords Against Wizardry (The Swords series 4)

5.66% match

written by Fritz Leiber

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

Swords And Deviltry (The Swords series 1)

5.66% match

written by Fritz Leiber

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library.

Swords And Ice Magic (The Swords series 6)

5.66% match

written by Fritz Leiber

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

Swords In The Mist (The Swords series 3)

5.66% match

written by Fritz Leiber

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 427 pages.

The Swords Of Lankhmar (The Swords series 5)

5.66% match

written by Fritz Leiber

Tales From The Vulgar Unicorn (Thieves World 2)

5.66% match

written by

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 224 pages.

Thieves World (Thieves World 1)

5.66% match

written by

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library. This book has 224 pages.


5.66% match

written by Ursula K. Le Guin

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 176 pages.

To Your Scattered Bodies Go

5.66% match

written by Philip Jose Farmer

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 208 pages.

The White Dragon (Pern 3)

5.66% match

written by Anne McCaffrey

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 480 pages.

The Worm Ouroboros

5.66% match

written by Eric Rucker Eddison

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 458 pages.