Nicks' Questions
useful tool for conveying information and your website
is great. I also do not doubt your capabilities as
webmaster. Last year, communication had pretty much
broken down with self-entitled "oldies", such as
yourself. See previous archived rants. I need to be
able to convey information fast and effectively to
members, through emails, posters and a well-maintained
website. With such poor-relations I didn't want to
assume I could count on your support. In my speech, at
elections, I said I wished for a website. Perhaps I
should have said an easily adapted, no emotional cost
and easily accesible website. I have no quarrels with
anyone and am willing to put aside casual remarks made
previously for the sake of a well-run society.
2) The reason last year we implemented a new email
system was so that chair and secretary could have a
greater degree of control over who the emails went to.
I wanted to be able to store information about a
member as well as email address, and be able to access
it easily. We achieved that through a webmail address
book. Abby and I could both access it remotely. I
admit however, that due to unpleasantness we did
neglect to put chat@ on our mailing list and
didn't send the new members addresses to you. As I
have said I am wiling to put unpleasantries aside and
move forward. I will start by adding announce@
to our mailing list. We can discuss the ifis email
lists at a later date.
3)I haven't got "grand plans". I have a few humble
ones. Firstly, is to revitalise the Library. I made a
start this year, by accessing the situation. Sian made
a complete catalogue and is in the process of
assessing what books we need to purchase. Also I have
deemed that we desparately need a new cupboard for
storage of books and a new way of presenting them. At
the moment they are piled three deep so it is
difficult to locate anything easily, let alone browse.
The start would be to give a budget to the library -
previusly undone. Then to requisite the necessaries.
This would hopefully not be done in vain as I wish to
significantly step up advertising for the library,
from none to some. I think it is a wasted resource if
no one uses it!
Secondly, I would show more films. Although Abby
wanted to show more films, the problem was we didn't
budget for it. I would show "blockbuster" sci-fi, such
as the Matrix, as well as back-water classics such as
"Brazil", "Life of Brian" etc. The blockbusters are
important to keep revenue flowing, and to keep the
less "hardcore" members happy. I want to cater to
everyone, or try to at least.
Thirdly, it has been suggested that month agenda
publicised on the website, or by email would be
helpful. This seems a reasonable request and it would
mean people could plan in advance. It would mean that
*we* would have to plan in advance! =)
On the topic of the Thursday night pubmeets I am
undecided. I would like to mend bridges with the
Thursday nighters. I do think a on-campus pubmeet is a
lot easier for firstyears who live on campus. You must
think back to how you felt when you first came to
RHUL. I was nervous to go traipsing of into strange
surrey villages, to unfamiliar pubs. I think a
compromise must be met though. We shall talk more on
this popular toic I am sure.
4) I do like Princess Bride. I enjoy a wide variety of
films that aren't produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.
Thankyou for your response,
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