Being too lazy to go back and read all the books again to find out the
answer - this just came up at work.
There's a chap here who says that the scene where the gang leave the
Restaurant at the End of the Universe in HotBlack Desiato's spaceship was
only in the TV series, and not in the original radio series, or the books.
(Actually, he's only half convinced about the books.)
Where does this scene appear - in which format of the series (Radio, TV,
Can this avid fan collective answer?
Dominic (Definitely a fan of HHGTTG, but obviously not a TRUE fan.)
answer - this just came up at work.
There's a chap here who says that the scene where the gang leave the
Restaurant at the End of the Universe in HotBlack Desiato's spaceship was
only in the TV series, and not in the original radio series, or the books.
(Actually, he's only half convinced about the books.)
Where does this scene appear - in which format of the series (Radio, TV,
Can this avid fan collective answer?
Dominic (Definitely a fan of HHGTTG, but obviously not a TRUE fan.)