Transgender Affiliation
I get some most bizzarre spam as ifis information superhypewayman. I
have no idea whether this one was serious, or a joke, or what. I'm
speechless! Perhaps he saw mention of Rocky Horror, or perhaps he knows
you all better than I do?!?
I've REMOVED the domain - I really DON'T want to advertise these people.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Transgender Affiliation
From: Michael Cole <michael.cole@>
To: info@
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Michael Cole. I represent, a website
that offers cosmetic surgery and sex reassignment procedures in Thailand
by the famous Dr. Preecha REMOVED.
I am writing because is a popular destination for our target
audience: pre and post operation transsexuals. We would like to invite
you to be our affiliate. An affiliate is someone who places a REMOVED
banner or text link on their website, and collects a commission on
referrals who schedule a procedure. will likely be an interesting choice for your viewers
because it provides clear descriptions of every procedure available by
Dr. Preecha. Surgeon credentials, affordable prices, and photos are
complete and easy to find on the site.
Would you please be so kind as to visit and let me
know if you would be interested in receiving a brief proposal? You can
also view the Affiliate details and registration at The process is simple and quick!
How does this sound?
Best wishes,
Michael Cole
Nick Waterman, IFIS Information Superhypewayman
While money doesn't buy love, it puts you in a great bargaining position.
have no idea whether this one was serious, or a joke, or what. I'm
speechless! Perhaps he saw mention of Rocky Horror, or perhaps he knows
you all better than I do?!?
I've REMOVED the domain - I really DON'T want to advertise these people.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Transgender Affiliation
From: Michael Cole <michael.cole@>
To: info@
Dear Sir or Madam,
My name is Michael Cole. I represent, a website
that offers cosmetic surgery and sex reassignment procedures in Thailand
by the famous Dr. Preecha REMOVED.
I am writing because is a popular destination for our target
audience: pre and post operation transsexuals. We would like to invite
you to be our affiliate. An affiliate is someone who places a REMOVED
banner or text link on their website, and collects a commission on
referrals who schedule a procedure. will likely be an interesting choice for your viewers
because it provides clear descriptions of every procedure available by
Dr. Preecha. Surgeon credentials, affordable prices, and photos are
complete and easy to find on the site.
Would you please be so kind as to visit and let me
know if you would be interested in receiving a brief proposal? You can
also view the Affiliate details and registration at The process is simple and quick!
How does this sound?
Best wishes,
Michael Cole
Nick Waterman, IFIS Information Superhypewayman
While money doesn't buy love, it puts you in a great bargaining position.