power of the force (was RANT ON!)
From: simon@[SMTP:simon@]
Sent: 20 January 1998 14:24
Subject: Re: power of the force (was Re: RANT ON! (fwd)
In article <Pine.OSF.3.96.980119184718.29933B-100000@>,
Pringlespanion <benjamin@> wrote:
From: Pringlespanion <benjamin@>
From: Gordan Bobic[SMTP:gordan@]
Note that Yoda did indeed CONCENTRATE to lift the X-Wing out of
swamp. I doubt he could do it if he was fighting Darth Vader at
Remember, Yoda said 'Size matters not...'
Anyway, he didn't concentrate much. And he was very old and near
It seemed that Luke had to concentrate because he believed that
concentration was necessary, but Yoda just sighed and did it.
"The Force is like duct tape: it has a Light Side, and a Dark Side, and
it binds the galaxy together."
Sorry :-)
Steve :-)