Since no-one else has mentioned it...
Posted by Andy W. on
11/07 21:25
Apparently the full Episode 2 trailer is going to be on the front of the
Harry Potter film. I heard this on the radio this morning, but can't back it
up with a link
Anyway, the Ep2 teaser trailer has been out a few days now. Has anyone else
seen it? Any thoughts?
And while I'm at it, I'm a little more enthusiastic about Fellowship of the
Ring having seen the full trailer. Still have alarm bells at one or two
points, but on the whole it looks good.
07968 357 854
Since no-one else has mentioned it...
Anyway, the Ep2 teaser trailer has been out a few days now. Has anyone else
seen it? Any thoughts?
Not seen it, missed the clips on newsround. Anyone know where I can download it as
opposed to getting it streamed ? Or failing that a transcript ?
And while I'm at it, I'm a little more enthusiastic about Fellowship of the
Ring having seen the full trailer. Still have alarm bells at one or two
points, but on the whole it looks good.
Again not seen it....
Philip Ayres
Since no-one else has mentioned it...
Anyway, the Ep2 teaser trailer has been out a few days now. Has
anyone else
seen it? Any thoughts?
Not seen it, missed the clips on newsround. Anyone know where I
can download it as
opposed to getting it streamed ? Or failing that a transcript ?
If someone wants to provide some webspace and some sufficient bandwidth to
stick it on (and I don't mean no poxy geocities site where they wipe your
files without asking you) then I've got various mpeg1/2/quicktime5 hi-res
versions of it here. I would stick them on my server at work, but something
tells me that they might notice if my machine in the corner suddenly becomes
the top traffic host on the network. Otherwise I can stick them onto CD in
exchange for a pint the next time I'm down the pub.
btw, looks supremely cool, and much more darker.