In article <Pine.OSF.3.96.980119184718.29933B-100000@>, Pringlespanion <benjamin@> wrote:
From: Pringlespanion <benjamin@>
From: Gordan Bobic[SMTP:gordan@]
Note that Yoda did indeed CONCENTRATE to lift the X-Wing out of the
swamp. I doubt he could do it if he was fighting Darth Vader at the
Remember, Yoda said 'Size matters not...'
Anyway, he didn't concentrate much. And he was very old and near death.
It seemed that Luke had to concentrate because he believed that
concentration was necessary, but Yoda just sighed and did it.
The student complains that he is trying so hard. The Master says "too hard
you try. Do not try, do." And does. That is a blatant steal from so many
martial arts flicks (and for that matter from some of the way real martial
arts is taught). The truth is that much of the Star Wars "Jedi" system owes
more to Japanese legends than to any sensible consideration of physics.
Much the same arguments can be advanced for a lot of the guns technology and
social structures of the spaghetti Westerns. The "code of the West" is
bushido. And the Dark Side of the Force is explored quite adequately in
pulp-Japanese-legend books like "Dai-San".
It also explains the properties of the Light Sabre - it is a weapon designed
to be a science-fantasy equivalent of Father's katana. The powers of the
Force can also be found in any book on martial arts - normally called "ki".
To look for scientific explanations is to miss the point of the film.
The only difference is that I have seen no evidence that ki in this world
has any direct effect on physics, unlike the Force. It affects the mind and
muscles of an attacker, but that is mind-affecting, not physical magic. You
could explain it all (away) with, say, hypnosis or body language. Maybe I
need to meet Uri Geller, but I suspect not.
I suspect we live in a world where physical magic doesn't work. Maybe that
is why the films are set "in a Galaxy far, far away."
"This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind" -Ecclesiastes 4:16
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