It didn't make it clear whether "his wife left him for another earthman"
BECAUSE of his trek obsession, or whether he indulged his trek obsession
AFTER his wife left him and he had nothing better to do :-)
Yes, I wondered about that too... :o)
Even so... Damned good laugh, and certainly beats most of Lauwrence
Lewellen Bowen and Carol Smilie's MDF monstrosities.
Quite. Although I did once see Mr Bowen do a redecorate that sounded like it
was going to be horrible, but was actually really tasteful. There's a first
time for everything I guess ;o)
Now... do you think if we asked him, he'd have
IFIS round for tea one
And would he make it with a replicator? And when he has a tiff with his
Jean-Luc cut out, does he spite him by ordering "Tea. Earl Grey. Cold." ? :o)
Information about PKF
That really belongs on a web page, not in EVERY SINGLE employee's
outgoing emails. Why is it that lawyers and accountants seem to be the
worst abusers of nettiquette?
Because they are the sort of people who request the internet on a floppy disk.
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed.
If you have received this email in error please notify the sender.
Information about PKF
PKF United Kingdom - The principal place of business where the list of
partners is open to inspection is 78 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JA.
Authorised to carry on investment business by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in England & Wales. Web site
PKF Financial Planning Ltd - 78, Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8JA.
Regulated by the Personal Investment Authority for investment business.
PKF Republic of Ireland - The principal place of business where the list
of partners is open to inspection is 17 Percy Place, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Authorised to carry on investment business by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants in Ireland. PKF (Isle of Man) Limited - Analyst House, 20-26 Peel
Road, Douglas, Isle of Man IM99 1AP Directors. J M Cryer FCA,
P E Dearden ACA, D A R Drewett ACA, J H Nugent, J Scott FCA (Chairman),
P A Seaward FCA (Managing). PKF (Guernsey) Ltd - The principal place
of business where the list of Directors is open to inspection is Sarnia
House, Le Truchot, St Peter Port, Guernsey GY1 4NA.
PKF International is an association of legally independent national firms.