Over the past weeks i've enjoyed the amusing discussions in the
ifis mailing list, and can't see the problem with it as it is. For
some of us who don't make it down the pub every Thursday we can
sometimes gleen an insite into what we've missed by some of the
allegedly irritating posts. Futhermore does anyone else agree that the
very issue of wether the mailing list is crowded or not has caused as
much if not more potentially 'useless' posts than we've seen before.
Although i'm sure someone will be quick to reply that at least it's
related to the list.
As for wether a split should be made for announcements I feel that
that would neglect other recources already available namely the IFIS
web page with plenty of space for announcements it just needs to be
informed of them.
The mailing list is by the members for the members and so far has
succeeded in this roll. Long live the mailing list, well it's a laugh
isn't is.
Darren (who'll be sending in his club fee the next time he's down
the pub)
If it ain't fixed, don't break it.
ifis mailing list, and can't see the problem with it as it is. For
some of us who don't make it down the pub every Thursday we can
sometimes gleen an insite into what we've missed by some of the
allegedly irritating posts. Futhermore does anyone else agree that the
very issue of wether the mailing list is crowded or not has caused as
much if not more potentially 'useless' posts than we've seen before.
Although i'm sure someone will be quick to reply that at least it's
related to the list.
As for wether a split should be made for announcements I feel that
that would neglect other recources already available namely the IFIS
web page with plenty of space for announcements it just needs to be
informed of them.
The mailing list is by the members for the members and so far has
succeeded in this roll. Long live the mailing list, well it's a laugh
isn't is.
Darren (who'll be sending in his club fee the next time he's down
the pub)
If it ain't fixed, don't break it.