X-Men Movie
Raving Toy Maniacs http://www.toymania.com/news/messages/472.shtml has a set
of piccies of the figures for the X-Men movie. A hint as to the look of the
film - though what it's actually like ? ? ? I'm not holding out much hope -
the secrecy surrounding it reminds me of Godzilla some years back and I'm
getting a similar TURKEY ALERT ! type feeling about this. And I was until
relatively recently a huge X-Men fan....
Anyhow - not sure about the X-Men costumes - they remind me of
something.... - but the Magneto is great ....
Philip - who's going into hospital on Wednesday for a muscle biopsy. I'll
do anything to avoid going into work on my Birthday ;-)
Philip Ayres
of piccies of the figures for the X-Men movie. A hint as to the look of the
film - though what it's actually like ? ? ? I'm not holding out much hope -
the secrecy surrounding it reminds me of Godzilla some years back and I'm
getting a similar TURKEY ALERT ! type feeling about this. And I was until
relatively recently a huge X-Men fan....
Anyhow - not sure about the X-Men costumes - they remind me of
something.... - but the Magneto is great ....
Philip - who's going into hospital on Wednesday for a muscle biopsy. I'll
do anything to avoid going into work on my Birthday ;-)
Philip Ayres