For those of you who don't know, here is a brief summary of what is
happening at Killercon, your convention guys (well, almost, for
KillerCon 2000 is the game convention organised by the Royal Holloway
Games Society at the Royal Holloway campus, Egham Hill, Egham Surrey.
4th and 5th March 2000 : Set-up from 9am. Games from 10 am.
Ie This weekend guys and gals.
Doors open 10 am. Most games will run till 10pm. Common rooms will be
available all night for quiet games sessions, and the vampire LARP is
scheduled to run later.
If you want costume, a contingent are heading London-ward on Thursday.
This letter is arranged as a FAQ - if your question is not on here, then
I've misread your letter or something. Sorry, please try again and maybe my
brain will work this time.
(Latest update -
* Killer Event
This gives you the chance to "Kill Evil Stevie"
* Roleplaying games
- AD&D
- Bunnies and Burrows
- Call of Cthulhu
- Feng Shui
- GURPS Travellor and other GURPS games
(run by external members)
- Live Roleplay (bring genuine rubber swords)
(run by external members to Labby rules)
- Live Roleplay Vampire LARP- *not* an official Camarilla game.
- Paranoia
- Sabreenar the Living City
(run by the RPGA)
* Informal HOPED FOR Demonstrations of Combat styles and kit in
- Labby
- The Gathering
- Battle re-enactment
(Definite presence here)
* Board games including
- Chess
- "Tell us, Baron, about the time you organised a convention..."
- Nuclear Escalation
- Once Upon a Time
- Kill Dr Lucky
- Roborally
- Settlers of Catan tournament
* Wargames
- Fantasy Battle (Warhammer 40k, walk-on)
- Rebel Yell! wargame
- Stagecoach! "cowboys and injuns" wargame
(Courtesy of Englefield Wargames Club, Staines Wargamers)
* Trading Card Games
- Magic tournaments
- Vampire: the Eternal Struggle
* Computer games
- everybody changes every hour on the hour
Only if someone quickly volunteers- Gordon cannot manage this.
* Panels, talks and discussions
Running live roleplay
* Guests
- James Wallis of Hogshead Publishing
- Juliet McKenna, author of "The Thief's Gamble" and "The Swordsman's
Oath" and her husband Steve, who ran a LARP for ten years for 10-50 or so
* Traders Space
Of which I am *hoping* for an SF stand, plus a stall to sell labby weapons.
* Social Events
- Fancy Dress Competition
* Films
- The Blair witch Project and The Thirteenth Floor (not released
yet, but its based on a book by Daniel Galoule) and The Game
Of course you can. If you tell us ahead, please give us a short description
and a contact for you so we can point players in your direction. We'll
stick something on our website and put you in the timetable. Please make
sure we know when you will be here - and what other events you would really
not want to miss. Tell us, also, if you have any special requirements.
If you can't commit ahead, that's still OK. Just turn up with your written
description, and we can stick it on our games clearinghouse board. We can
find you some space, and a time, and the noticeboard should do the rest.
Some of us understand the Need to Referee.
Course you can. Contact our organisers to discuss your requirements for
stand space.
By road: Come off the M25 at Junction 13, and take the A30 Egham. Go around
the big loop and across the roundabout along the A30. After the second
roundabout go up the hill, and Royal Holloway College is on the left just
after the second footbridge. In the entrance turn immediately right, and go
along the road past the tennis courts. Park in the carpark on the right and
follow the signs.
By rail: from Waterloo or Clapham Junction take the Egham train. From the
railway station take the Royal Holloway minibus or a taxi to the campus.
The taxi fare is unlikely to exceed three pounds, and the bus costs 35p: but
you cannot board the bus without a ticket, and you cannot buy a ticket on
the bus. We will sell you one, but you need to contact us first. Add 35p
each way, plus 30 pence post and packing to your registration fee.
Other: arrange with Security and Heathrow Approach to land your helicopter
on the Campus. Our Convention Committee will personally welcome you and
invite you to discuss sponsorship for KillerCon 2001.
3 pounds per day. Half price students snd unwaged. 1/3 off for advance
bookings. Send cheques made out to Royal Holloway Student Union, to The
convention Secretary, 85 St Judes Road, Englefield Gren, Eghan, Surrey, TW20
Telephone enquiries on 01784 431998 or 07970 506908 (mobile and ansaphone).
There are no rooms left on-site. There are a good number of B&B places
nearby. Details for these should be soon on the web-site, for you to book.
Please contact us asap if you require accomodation.
Be it taking a stint on the reception desk, buying drinks for guests,
running games, setting up computers, lugging tables or whatever, all offers
of help will be greatly appreciated.
James Wallis will be demonstrating Youdunit, and Pantheon, plus talking at
great length on the state of the industry, or similar topics.
Juliet McKenna is an experienced Live-action story-teller and newly
succesful author, and will have many entertaining tales to tell. She can
also talk at great length on historical accuracy and realism in writing.
Her husband is also a wargamer.
Phil Masters runs the best web-pages for gaming cons, as well as being a
successfully published RPG author and demonstrator of GURPS.
We're likely to have quite an influx of people as we were the
best-publicised con at Gencon, especially a few Con organisers etc. So, it
should be extremely fun, even if not perfect.
Thanks to everyone for their help so far- its been most interesting
organising this, and I hope to see you all there. Offers of help on the day
will be most gratefully received, as this way we can all have fun too :-)
My apologies to all those who I have growled at, shouted at or generally
sulked at- my delegation skills will be vastly improved from doing this, as
I started with none. :-(
I hope you enjoy the rest of the program- oh and look at for the latest updates. The con itself is in
Lecture Block A/B on Saturday, and the Orchard Building on both days. Films
will be showing in the Main Lecture theatre, between talks and panels. A
volunteer or two might convince Richard that its worth borrowing the
super-deluxe projector from work. Also, any wonderful ideas for extra films
to show which are gaming-relevant *may* be taken up, especially if they are
available on DVD.
Thanks again everyone :-)
...> Jenny Gould
jenny@ killercon 2000 secretary 4th / 5th March 2000
01784 431998 07970 506908
85 St Judes Road, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey TW20 0DF
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