Thank you dear.
From: Jon Lee[SMTP:980818136@]
Reply To: chat@
Sent: 10 February 2000 12:33
To: chat@
Subject: Re:This Weeks Film
I'm not sure Buffy S3 is something you can show just one ep of.
the episodes are rather plot interlinked.
They're not rahter plot interlinked, they're totally plot interlinked and
make very little sense if you don't watch them in some sort of
order. Its not that each one moves the plot on in leaps and bounds,
more that they all offer little glimpses of the big picture that leave
you wanting more (rahter like B5 in its glory days....).
And can someone explain the attraction of the vampire Willow eps
WITHOUT using the words : leather, tight OR incoherent and
slightly dodgy grunts?
On an intellectual level the atteaction is what they tell us about the
way the relationships between the characters are changing
(anyone who's seen some of S4 will know what I'm talking about).
More practically, the second one has some great comedy
Willow:".... and I think I might be slightly gay."
Buffy:"Don't worry, we all know that the personality of a vampire
has nothing to do with the person they were."