PUBS !!!!
MF is _very_ bad to hold a conversation in. And since what we do is talk (and
drink) it's a major minus point against it. Then we have their complete
inability to reserve tables and as a result an attempt to turf a couple of
customers who were well set out of their seats ! Doesn't reflect well on
BM was quite nice - would like to try the food though.
I vote for a move to the BM, while keeping an eye on the MF for a possible
future return if they reform their ways.
While I'm here:
1) Is anyone going to FP in the next day or so and can pick me a couple of items
up ? If so mail me on payres@ There's a drink in it....
2) My Beast Machines have arrived !
3) DW: Greatest Show in the Galaxy is out next Monday 24/1/2000
4) Gormengast - comments ?
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