Posted by Ron W. on
01/11 15:20
If anybodies' going to be watching Gormenghast (Pop Quiz: How the hell
should it be spelled?) and has their own TV, would they mind if I came along
and watched it as well? It's either that or I have to try and persuade the
entire common room to let me have control of the remote!
If anybodies' going to be watching Gormenghast (Pop Quiz: How the hell
should it be spelled?) and has their own TV, would they mind if I came
and watched it as well? It's either that or I have to try and persuade the
entire common room to let me have control of the remote!
On my third day at RHBNC I was chucked out of the Athlone common room for
attempting to watch ST:TNG when the rest of the world wanted to see Home and
Away. I saw that ep (It was the flashback one from the end of S2 - Shades
of Gray) with Sean round his place. We both p!$$3d ourselves laughing
watching Riker's expression as he got strangled. I sent for my TV that
weekend and bought a video a week later ....
Philip Ayres
Gormenghast (Pop Quiz: How the hell
should it be spelled?)
Yes Ron, that is the correct spelling.