Provisional film list........
Here is a rough list for the films we are showing over the next few weeks:
Thursday 27th January: Akira
Thursday 3rd February: Deep Rising
Thursday 10th February: Futurama
Thursday 17th February: Bladerunner (Directors Cut)
Thursday 24th February: Request Night (choose what you want to watch!!!)
And we will hopefully be doing a few film weekends too, eg. Peter Jackson,
Manga, Monty Python and 80s cheesy films. The details for these are yet to
be confirmed, as I have to book Founders MLT!
Also, we have the date for the AGM, so you all can vote for a better
chairbeing! This will be on Thursday 16th March, so start nominating people
(send an e-mail to me or the committee)... Oh yes, and there's an orgy at my
house afterwards. Or something......
Anyway, that's all for now, may the Force be with you,
Charlotte the Chairbeing
Here is a rough list for the films we are showing over the next few weeks:
Thursday 27th January: Akira
Thursday 3rd February: Deep Rising
Thursday 10th February: Futurama
Thursday 17th February: Bladerunner (Directors Cut)
Thursday 24th February: Request Night (choose what you want to watch!!!)
And we will hopefully be doing a few film weekends too, eg. Peter Jackson,
Manga, Monty Python and 80s cheesy films. The details for these are yet to
be confirmed, as I have to book Founders MLT!
Also, we have the date for the AGM, so you all can vote for a better
chairbeing! This will be on Thursday 16th March, so start nominating people
(send an e-mail to me or the committee)... Oh yes, and there's an orgy at my
house afterwards. Or something......
Anyway, that's all for now, may the Force be with you,
Charlotte the Chairbeing