Tonight is the 36th Anniversary of the first transmission of Doctor Who.
Happy Birthday.
Surprisingly the BBC are actually showing some Doctor Who tonight (6pm,
BBC2, Spearhead from Space 3)
In the current Doctor Who mag the BBC talk about not showing Ambasadors of
Death and Mind of Evil due to the episodes only being availible in Black
and White. This suggests a very long and continuous repeat run.
Assuming they show them in order the early Pertwee stories are:
Spearhead from Space (4 parts)
Silurians (7)
Ambasadors of Death(7, vetoed due to b&w eps)
Inferno (7)
Terror of the Autons (4) *
Mind of Evil (6, vetoed due to b&w eps)
Claws of Axos (4)
Colony in Space (6)
Daemons (5) **
Thats well into next year to cover all the stories in the period the beeb
has hinted at above...
* "Activate the Dafodils"
** "Chap with wings - five rounds rapid"
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