I gather from Luke that there is to be a Special Edition Star Wars trilogy
evening on the 21st November. I haven't seen any chat on it yet but I guess
it's imminent. I've come up with a few ideas for how to make it more
appealing so that maybe we can get a good collection of people along.
Firstly we can do some work on presentation. Lec A has a nice big rear
screen projection TV so it would make sense to use this. I'd also be
willing to organise a reasonable surround sound setup. I've got all the kit
and it should be pretty easy to get a good effect in Lec A. I might even be
able to blag a sub-woofer to bring those explosions to life.
Next we have refreshments. Apart from being, well necessary to live they're
a great source of income. So can we borrow, beg or... erm borrow a
microwave for the evening. If so then we could get in a stock of hot dog
sausages and baps and microwave popcorn and sell 'em off (along with cans
of course) which might well bring in a tidy sum as well as giving us
something to munch on. It might also be worth nominating someone to
organise a pizza run. Again this isn't very difficult if it's arranged
ahead of time (with a fill in form maybe) and is more likely to make people
want to come and stay and more importantly, enjoy the experience.
Finally how about a quiz of sorts. Sounds a bit sad I know but hear me out.
Everyone knows a few Star Wars boo-boos - the clumsy Storm Trooper etc.
Well how about if someone finds out as many of these as they can and puts
together a "Can you spot?" sheet for each film which you fill in as you go.
You could maybe have a prize at the end although that's probably not
necessary - just hand them out and if people have seen the films so many
times that they start to get bored, they can try completing it.
Sorry if some of these ideas sound a bit bizzarre, I'm just trying to come
up with anything that's relatively easy to implement (with a bit of time)
that will turn this into a memorable event instead of a few students
crowded round a 14" TV with a bag of crisps.
Finally in my mad rush of enthusiasm I've even put together a poster. It's
not a work of art but it gives all the details and it's ready *now*. Given
that it's less than 2 weeks till the event I think that posters really need
to go up ASAP. As I don't want to post binaries to the group, I'll mail it
to Luke to peruse. If he likes it, we can blow it up to A3 and get it
slapped up.
Anyway, if anyone has any comments or suggestions of their own or thinks
that mine are crap then please let's get some discussion going. Let's just
do it quickly as this could be fun if we don't rush it at the last minute.
"A Smith & Wesson beats four aces"
Email: richard@
Home phone: +44 1784 431998
Mobile: +44 976 756033
I gather from Luke that there is to be a Special Edition Star Wars trilogy
evening on the 21st November. I haven't seen any chat on it yet but I guess
it's imminent. I've come up with a few ideas for how to make it more
appealing so that maybe we can get a good collection of people along.
Firstly we can do some work on presentation. Lec A has a nice big rear
screen projection TV so it would make sense to use this. I'd also be
willing to organise a reasonable surround sound setup. I've got all the kit
and it should be pretty easy to get a good effect in Lec A. I might even be
able to blag a sub-woofer to bring those explosions to life.
Next we have refreshments. Apart from being, well necessary to live they're
a great source of income. So can we borrow, beg or... erm borrow a
microwave for the evening. If so then we could get in a stock of hot dog
sausages and baps and microwave popcorn and sell 'em off (along with cans
of course) which might well bring in a tidy sum as well as giving us
something to munch on. It might also be worth nominating someone to
organise a pizza run. Again this isn't very difficult if it's arranged
ahead of time (with a fill in form maybe) and is more likely to make people
want to come and stay and more importantly, enjoy the experience.
Finally how about a quiz of sorts. Sounds a bit sad I know but hear me out.
Everyone knows a few Star Wars boo-boos - the clumsy Storm Trooper etc.
Well how about if someone finds out as many of these as they can and puts
together a "Can you spot?" sheet for each film which you fill in as you go.
You could maybe have a prize at the end although that's probably not
necessary - just hand them out and if people have seen the films so many
times that they start to get bored, they can try completing it.
Sorry if some of these ideas sound a bit bizzarre, I'm just trying to come
up with anything that's relatively easy to implement (with a bit of time)
that will turn this into a memorable event instead of a few students
crowded round a 14" TV with a bag of crisps.
Finally in my mad rush of enthusiasm I've even put together a poster. It's
not a work of art but it gives all the details and it's ready *now*. Given
that it's less than 2 weeks till the event I think that posters really need
to go up ASAP. As I don't want to post binaries to the group, I'll mail it
to Luke to peruse. If he likes it, we can blow it up to A3 and get it
slapped up.
Anyway, if anyone has any comments or suggestions of their own or thinks
that mine are crap then please let's get some discussion going. Let's just
do it quickly as this could be fun if we don't rush it at the last minute.
"A Smith & Wesson beats four aces"
Email: richard@
Home phone: +44 1784 431998
Mobile: +44 976 756033