SW Special Editions
released on video there was a major
ooopsie during this scene - they left off Greedo's subtitles !
There are a lot of things I like about the special editions - some of the
stuff done to Empire is very subtle like the
balconies on Cloud City - but :
Why put Boba Fett in ANH ?
Why put in the scene with Biggs and Luke in the Hanger yet leave out the
earlier scenes with Luke observing the
battle between the Tantive IV and the Star Destroyer, and the scenes with
Cammie, Fixer and Biggs - which do
add something to ANH ?
Why leave out scenes with Wampas trying to enter echo base and Hobbie
ramming General Veers walker after it's
destroyed the power generator - would cause problems for the book writers
Again, why leave out the Sandstorm scenes, and the scenes involving the
Royal Guards - Vader breaks one of their
As for Planar Explosions & the Death Star - the DS equator houses things
like docking bays - large enough to dock
a Star Destroyer in. (Hmmm - having dificulty wording this) Suppose
there's less superstructure between here and the
DS's core - could the explosion have "got out" quicker via this route than
progressing through x number of decks to
the pole ? (I know the scientific terminology is poor in the last paragraph
- have mercy on me - it's only 8.20am !)
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