B5 Missed Episode
A B5 Episode called "Conflicts of Intrest" was on about 3 weeks ago, and
basically I managed to only record 15 minutes of it, then the tape ran
out. Similarly, there's another episode somewhere in the meantime (last
week?) where I had the same problem again.
If one of you lot who has every episode could please lend me "Conflicts
of Intrest" and the next 3 or 4 episodes, I'll really appreciate it, and
I'll buy you a pint or something in exchange.
Cheers muchly... Nick.
Nick Waterman, Network Manager, Cimio Ltd.
nick@ nick@ G7RZQ @ GB7DEO.#32.GBR.EU
http://www.noseynick.org/ #include <disclaimer> Team *AMIGA*!
CCITT - Can't Conceive Intelligent Thoughts Today