They were noticed by my players, at least one of which (I believe - they are
not here) is not a Gamesoc member. Certainly I have heard "I wanted to be
in that - then found it at Gamesoc" more than once. They would have found
it anyway, of course. So it depends how Fresher's Fayre goes - belt and
braces and all that.
Anyway, I'll repeat my offer, on both lists. If either or both IFIS and/or
Gamesoc committees give me posters I will put them up before the start of
term. I need posters on or before the Thursday night before term starts.
Somewhere around 40-50, including Kingswood. Hear that, O noble committees?
"This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind" -Ecclesiastes 4:16
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"I have been asked to point out, as if you couldn't guess, that my rantings
are not the opinions of One Chip Solutions. So now you know, don't you..?"