In article <9901151453.AA16846@>, "Dominic Thomas" <dthomas@> wrote:
Someone who Dominic preferred not to attribute wrote:
PPS If you tell William any of this you'll DIE (I'm having lessons in how
to be violent from Simon).
Was this a personal email accidentally sent out to the entire mailing list?
How terrible.
If it was, I never saw it. (But we're rumoured to be having mail problems
here, so that doesn't mean much. Will someone please send me a bounce?)
Looks like she'll be needing those lessons in how to be violent.
I'm not offering anybody lessons in how to be violent. I'm not even
offering lessons in aikido. But I know a man who is.
Speaking of which Simon, can I assume you have been subsumed by the dark
side, and are now Darth Richardson? You're not supposed to be violent in
Erm ... no. You're not supposed to be violent in aikido without good cause.
Sometimes violence is the only way to be sure.
The mind, it boggleth.
ObSF: the comments about Darth Richardson are quite appropriate, and not
just because of my asthma. There is a lot of similarities between the
"Force" powers, and their underlying theology, and that of aikido and other
martial arts. It's true that I have never seen anyone raising even little
spaceships out of swamps with mental force, but the smaller tricks:
anticipation; misdirection; and feelings when things are going right or
wrong; all of these things are claimed for most martial arts. I wonder
where Lucas got it from? (And, much more, I'd be interested to hear *which*
art he got it from.)
I've also heard comparisons between the Force and duct tape. "It has a
light side, and a dark side, and it binds the Galaxy together..."
"This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind" -Ecclesiastes 4:16
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"I have been asked to point out, as if you couldn't guess, that my rantings
are not the opinions of One Chip Solutions. So now you know, don't you..?"