Christmas Dinner - Oh My god - they've Killed Kenny
I wnat one of those cute likkle Cartman figures actually...
Clintons etc are doing the South Park toys -
They've even got the 5 pack wind ups with chef ....
Did anyone else think that Mecha Streisand was a classic of our time ?
Philip Ayres
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Oh My god - they've Killed Kenny
Posted by Dominic T. on
10/07 18:54
Did anyone else think that Mecha Streisand was a classic of our time ?
That's a serious overstatement.
It was ok.
The Worcestershire sauce episode was better (and still falls into the
Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror genre!)
I'm a great believer in
IFIS showing Science Fiction/Horror/Fantasy videos.
This would include Starship Troopers, some South Park (tenuous), maybe even the
Indiana Jones movies (just as tenuous), but certainly not Titanic.
(BTW. I've still not seen it, and I was irked when someone told me the surprise
bit months ago. They did say, however, that you kindof know right from the
beginning, since it's all done as a flashback, so I sortof forgave them.)
I'd suggest The Crow, for future videos, but only if you can make it loud.
"Too much of a good thing is wonderful." [Mae West]
Oh My god - they've Killed Kenny
Posted by Andy W. on
10/07 20:06
Did anyone else think that Mecha Streisand was a classic of our time ?
That's a serious overstatement.
It was ok.
I was a lot better than that. My personal favourite though was the alien
abduction episode. Those cows are brilliant and need to be used a lot more
in future stories, and I don't just mean for dropping on people.