The Library
Just to fill you all in, a majority of the books are still in their boxes
but are in our cupboard. Dan is going to get us a key cut and will order
the rest of the shelf clips tomorrow. Some books have had to remain in
the cupboard at the back of the SU main hall due to the boxes being
slightly unsteady in the cupboard. Therefore, hopefully (and if
everything goes according to plan!), the Library will be accessible in
about two weeks.
I would like to express my dismay that very few students turned up
either today or yesterday to help us to move the library. While I know
that yesterday's attempt was abortive, this does not mean that other
attempts to move / sort out the library will also fail. There has been a
lot of comments made during this term and last term about the library and
the fact that it resided at the back of the SU hall but when we asked for
help to move it, there was a very small turnout - four yesterday and two
today. IF you want things to be done, you should put your muscles where
your mouth is and help. This is not aimed at all members (especially not
those who work as well as to a certain extent, the third years) so I
don't want everybody to get hugely insulted.