You have been watching...
Point of information. In 1998, the following people have posted the
following numbers of articles. I wil leave it as an exercise for the reader
to work out the percentage of these articles that are relevent, or even
worth posting. Archives of past IFIS mail may be found on,
of course.
153From: Lyth Chris <Chris.C.Lyth@>
124From: Nick Waterman <nick@>
105From: Chilard D <D.Chilard@>
070From: Hadwen J <J.Hadwen@>
065From: Adam Hattrell <adam@>
060From: Gordan Bobic <gordan@>
057From: Wren A <A.Wren@>
053From: simon@
051From: Hanley F <F.Hanley@>
051From: "Dominic Thomas" <dthomas@>
050From: Pringlespanion <benjamin@>
047From: Chris Turner <chris@>
046From: "Daniel Celano" <celano@>
044From: Dismukes S <S.Dismukes@>
044From: Dalli L <L.Dalli@>
040From: "Ilsley, Paul G" <Paul.Ilsley@>
036From: Asach Tu <asach@>
035From: Dave Barlow <thed@>
026From: "Hart J.D" <J.D.Hart@>
030From: Jenny Gould <jenny@>
017From: Roebuck M <M.Roebuck@>
013From: Martin Greenaway <marting@>
010From: Gordan Bobic <gordan@>
006From: Snee D <D.Snee@>
005From: "Richard Mines" <richard@>
005From: "Chris Lyth" <clyth@>
004From: Stephen Butler <stephen@>
004From: Jacqueline Kelly <jkelly@>
004From: "seans" <seans@>
004From: "Andrew D. Palmer" <andrewp@>
003From: netannounce@ (Mark Moraes)
003From: Matthew Houghton <matthewh@>
003From: Magus <Magus@>
003From: Hudson T <T.Hudson@>
002From: Francis Hanley <francis@>
002From: "Jim Smart" <Hades@>
002From: "James L.E" <L.E.James@>
001From: Sandhu R <R.Sandhu@>
001From: Parr G <G.Parr@>
001From: Cwej <jamesha@>
001From: 33144930@
001From: "Mary-Jane Roebuck" <m.roebuck@>
Please now return to your normal discussions...
"This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind" -Ecclesiastes 4:16
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"I have been asked to point out, as if you couldn't guess, that my rantings
are not the opinions of One Chip Solutions. So now you know, don't you..?"