Movie night- week 2!
Dear Minions,
Tomorrow's movie will be "Creature from the Black Lagoon"- thin on plot and budget, but high on hokum and a guy prancing around in a dodgy rubber suit (but do try to suspend your disbelief in it for an hour or so).
Venue will be our "usual"- for older members at least- location of ALT2, in the Arts Lecture Theatre building from 7pm. Meet up in the lobby and proceed from thence onwards under orders from committee. And of course we shall go to the pub afterwards!
Thursdays shall see our usual get-together at the Alma Mata by Egham Station. Turn up anytime around half-7ish onwards for tasty food, amusing discussions and a good time!
See you there,
Clementine- President/ El Presidente/ Chairbeing-person
Tomorrow's movie will be "Creature from the Black Lagoon"- thin on plot and budget, but high on hokum and a guy prancing around in a dodgy rubber suit (but do try to suspend your disbelief in it for an hour or so).
Venue will be our "usual"- for older members at least- location of ALT2, in the Arts Lecture Theatre building from 7pm. Meet up in the lobby and proceed from thence onwards under orders from committee. And of course we shall go to the pub afterwards!
Thursdays shall see our usual get-together at the Alma Mata by Egham Station. Turn up anytime around half-7ish onwards for tasty food, amusing discussions and a good time!
See you there,
Clementine- President/ El Presidente/ Chairbeing-person