Free Comic Book Day is today
I forget about this every year, but apparently it's always the first
Saturday of May. It's as the subject says - free comics! You just have to
rock up to one of the partipating stores - there are a number in London or
the nearest one is Ace comics in Richmond. And they'll have a selection of
free comics as mentioned on the website
I've probably left it too late, but I'm heading in to London this evening
anyway, so I'm going to stick my head into Gosh comics later and see if
they've got anything left.
Saturday of May. It's as the subject says - free comics! You just have to
rock up to one of the partipating stores - there are a number in London or
the nearest one is Ace comics in Richmond. And they'll have a selection of
free comics as mentioned on the website
I've probably left it too late, but I'm heading in to London this evening
anyway, so I'm going to stick my head into Gosh comics later and see if
they've got anything left.