Just testing...
Posted by James H. on
02/04 17:44
Er... oh yes! With all
this talk about hitting the exhaust port on the first Death Star,
someone please explain how on Earth (or Alderaan, Tatooine, Endor
they could even fire those torpedoes and expect them to go from
horizontal to vertical motion like that? Do they have incredibly
sensitive tracking sensors in them? If so, how come everyone else but
Luke missed dismally? (Although admittedly only about two pilots
long enough to get a shot at it!) A Star Wars fan at my old school
something about the magnetism of the Death Star's central reactor
pulling them down the exhaust port, but if so, why didn't their
momentums (or should that be momenti?) carry them into the far wall of
the exhaust port conduit?
I always just assumed that the missiles had been
preprogrammed (before the flight) to fly forward a certain distance and
then fly straight down. The people loading the missiles would have known
that the plan would involve this kind of movement. Also the one that
missed seemed to fly forward and and then turn down just before (or just
after) the opening. It looked like he had just mistimed the missile
James Hanley, Luke's wingman (the one who survived but didn't become