Me again.
After a bit more telephonic probing I can report that two other possible
dates are Monday 9th and Tuesday 17th. This would involve going to Bar 163
in Egham which has its pros and cons. Near, but no huge steaks. The choice
is yours.
Right, so send me a "rating" (i.e. "no", "yes", "yes but prefer other") for
Monday 9th, Thursday 12th, Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th.
I'm making a list... and checking it twice (seasonal joke).
After a bit more telephonic probing I can report that two other possible
dates are Monday 9th and Tuesday 17th. This would involve going to Bar 163
in Egham which has its pros and cons. Near, but no huge steaks. The choice
is yours.
Right, so send me a "rating" (i.e. "no", "yes", "yes but prefer other") for
Monday 9th, Thursday 12th, Tuesday 17th and Thursday 19th.
I'm making a list... and checking it twice (seasonal joke).