As we have a crummy room next week Jonathan and I have decided that we
might as well do the general meeting next week. This will happen at 7pm
in Queen's annex 140 ( it's the portacabin building behind Williamson,
use the door in the car park)
Please do come along as we need to vote in/blackmail/threaten (delete
as appropriate) a new committee. If you don't show up, you are likely to
find yourself elected Chairman, so come along and land someone else with
the job before they do the same to you.
I also want to write chip tax into the constitution so please come and
show your support.
Any problems reply to me instead of the list,
might as well do the general meeting next week. This will happen at 7pm
in Queen's annex 140 ( it's the portacabin building behind Williamson,
use the door in the car park)
Please do come along as we need to vote in/blackmail/threaten (delete
as appropriate) a new committee. If you don't show up, you are likely to
find yourself elected Chairman, so come along and land someone else with
the job before they do the same to you.
I also want to write chip tax into the constitution so please come and
show your support.
Any problems reply to me instead of the list,