The worse piece of SF dialogue has to be in ST:NG Datalore, after
a whole hour of being told Data could not handle concatanations and
Lore could, then seeing Lore transported into space. Data tells
Pichard that "I'm alrigth".
I think the problem with Ivonova's quote was that it was out the blue -
in the DW Pyrmind of Mars Sutek has comes out with a few
good monologues (to paraphase) -
"You shall destroy my enemys ,the humans,
birds, beasts, all life is my enemy,
all shall perish under the reign of Sutek,
only Sutek shall live."
"My good is your evil,
I am Sutek the destroyed, where I walk I leave dust,
I find that good..."
This works because you expect it from a evil-demi-god-powre-mad monster -
not from a normal calm person. It all comes down to building a good
character and then keeping him/her behaviouring within it limits.
Nortel Ltd, E-Mail : celano@
140 greenway,
Harlow Business Park, TEL : (01279) 405316
CM19 5QD FAX : (01279) 405070
a whole hour of being told Data could not handle concatanations and
Lore could, then seeing Lore transported into space. Data tells
Pichard that "I'm alrigth".
I think the problem with Ivonova's quote was that it was out the blue -
in the DW Pyrmind of Mars Sutek has comes out with a few
good monologues (to paraphase) -
"You shall destroy my enemys ,the humans,
birds, beasts, all life is my enemy,
all shall perish under the reign of Sutek,
only Sutek shall live."
"My good is your evil,
I am Sutek the destroyed, where I walk I leave dust,
I find that good..."
This works because you expect it from a evil-demi-god-powre-mad monster -
not from a normal calm person. It all comes down to building a good
character and then keeping him/her behaviouring within it limits.
Nortel Ltd, E-Mail : celano@
140 greenway,
Harlow Business Park, TEL : (01279) 405316
CM19 5QD FAX : (01279) 405070