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You searched for books similar to the book "Maxwell's Demon"

There are 21 books that match your search query. You can click on a book to view more details about it or to also reserve it for borrowing.

Brave New World

100.00% match

written by Aldous Huxley

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 288 pages.

The Caves Of Steel (R. Daneel Olivaw 1)

100.00% match

written by Isaac Asimov

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 210 pages.

The Courts Of Chaos (Chronicles of Amber 5)

100.00% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 142 pages.

The Currents Of Space (Empire 3)

100.00% match

written by Isaac Asimov

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

Damnation Alley

100.00% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There are 2 copies available to borrow from the library.

The Demolished Man

100.00% match

written by Alfred Bester

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 256 pages.

Drinking Sapphire Wine

100.00% match

written by Tanith Lee

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 304 pages.

Gunner Cade

100.00% match

written by Cyril Judd

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.

The Guns Of Avalon (Chronicles of Amber 2)

100.00% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 208 pages.

The Hand Of Oberon (Chronicles of Amber 4)

100.00% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 181 pages.


100.00% match

written by Robert A. Heinlein

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 368 pages.

The Joy Makers

100.00% match

written by James Gunn

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 180 pages.

Lord Of Light

100.00% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 304 pages.

Lord Valentines Castle

100.00% match

written by Robert Silverberg

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 512 pages.

Make Room! Make Room!

100.00% match

written by Harry Harrison

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 240 pages.

The Man In The High Castle

100.00% match

written by Philip K. Dick

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 256 pages.

Nine Princes In Amber (Chronicles of Amber 1)

100.00% match

written by Roger Zelazny

Odd John

100.00% match

written by Olaf Stapledon

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 224 pages.


100.00% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 192 pages.

The Sign Of The Unicorn (Chronicles of Amber 3)

100.00% match

written by Roger Zelazny

There is one copy available to borrow from the library. This book has 186 pages.


100.00% match

written by Algis Budrys

There is one copy available to borrow from the library.