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2002 Constitution

Here is the new The Institute For Impure Science (IFIS) Constitution, with Ammendments, as approved by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in March, 2002. I think this is all correct.

Royal Holloway Student Union (SURHUL) Institute For Impure Science (IFIS) Constitution

1. Name
1.1 The name of the Society shall be SURHUL Institute For Impure Science, (IFIS), hereafter referred to as the Society
2. Aims and Objectives
2.1 To promote discussion of, and organise events relating to, the Society's interests of Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror and other related genres.
2.2 To provide a library for members containing books relating to the Society's interests.
3. Membership
3.1 Membership of the Society shall be open to all members of SURHUL in accordance with the SURHUL Constitution.
3.2 The Society shall have at least 20 members who are all full members of SURHUL.
3.3 Other individuals who do not qualify for membership under 3.1 may be awarded associate membership of the Society upon payment of an annual fee to be determined by the Committee. The awarding of associate membership is at the discretion of the Committee. Associate members shall have the same rights as normal members unless stated or required otherwise by this constitution or the SURHUL Constitution, Regulations or Policy.
4. Committee
4.1 The role of the Committee is to manage all aspects of the Society's administration and to organise the Society's events. The Committee shall not work autonomously. The Committee shall endeavour to satisfy the wishes of members.
4.2 The Committee shall consist of the following officers:
(a) Chairperson
(b) Secretary
(c) Treasurer
(d) Publicity Officer
(e) Librarian
4.3 The Committee may co-opt further members onto Committee to fulfil specific functions at their discretion.
4.4 The Committee will meet regularly to administer the Society's activities. Any member of the Society is entitled to view any Committee meeting, unless a closed meeting. Only elected Committee members may vote in Committee decisions.
4.5 Only full members of SURHUL may be Committee members.
4.6 The positions of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are executive positions for the purposes of this constitution.
4.7 The term of office for the Committee shall be until the next AGM.
4.8 A 2/3 majority at a quorate General Meeting of the Society may pass a motion of no confidence in a Committee member. Such motions must be submitted to the Committee at least three working academic days before the meeting. The Committee member concerned shall be immediately notified and supplied with the text of the motion, they shall also be allowed an adequate opportunity to respond at the meeting. If the motion is passed it shall take immediate effect.
4.9 Should a post fall vacant for any reason, it shall be re-elected at the first available opportunity.
4.10 Honorary Society Positions may be created, however these shall not be Committee positions
5. Duties of Committee Members:
5.1 The Chairperson shall:
(a) be responsible for the constitutional running of the Society
(b) ensure proper chairing of the AGM and any other relevant meetings
(c) be responsible for the administration and co-ordination of all the Society activities and to ensure that the club/Society meets all SURHUL requirements.
(d) ensure that the Society is appropriately represented at SURHUL bodies.
5.2 The Secretary shall:
(a) keep a full list of membership that also records membership of SURHUL and bring this to all meetings of the Society.
(b) keep a minutes of all meetings held, which shall be available to all members of the Society.
(c) be responsible for ensuring regular monitoring of correspondence received and ensuring that all information is dealt with correctly by the Society officers.
(d) keep an up-to-date inventory of Society property.
(e) keep a file of all correspondence for the current year and the previous two years.
5.3 The Treasurer shall:
(a) keep a record of and oversee all financial transactions of the Society.
(b) submit a financial report/budget application to SURHUL annually.
(c) present a report on the Society's finances to the AGM
5.4 The Publicity Officer shall:
(a) produce publicity as required by the Society
5.5 The Librarian shall:
(a) be responsible for the administration of the library and ensure sufficient access for members.
6. Meetings:
6.1 An AGM of the Society must take place each academic year; the AGM shall be considered a General Meeting of the Society.
6.2 A General Meeting of the Society may be called by the Committee at any time or by the written request of twenty members or 10% of membership whichever is the fewer.
6.3 Quoracy at all General Meetings of the Society shall be 25% of membership or 25 members which ever is the fewer; and must include a quorate Committee.
6.4 A quorate Committee shall be three Committee members, including at least one executive member.
6.5 Meetings of the Society may only take place during term time, and must be publicised as widely as possible, one full academic working week in advance.
6.6 Weekly film screenings and social events shall not constitute meetings of the Society for the purposes of the constitution, unless explicitly stated and publicised otherwise.
7. Elections:
7.1 All members of the Society shall be eligible to vote or stand as candidates in an election. Except as limited by clause 4.5 and the SURHUL Constitution, Regulations and Policy.
7.2 The Committee shall appoint an officer of the Society to be returning officer. If unable or unwilling, a returning officer shall be appointed from the membership. The returning officer will not be able to stand in any of the elections.
7.3 Nominations shall be accepted from the floor prior to the election of each Committee position.
7.4 The method of election shall be by show of hands, with all candidates not present.
7.5 All candidates will be invited to make a 1 minute hustings speech. The conclusion of hustings speeches should be immediately followed by the vote.
7.6 Officers of the Society will be elected in the order given in clause 4.2.
7.7 In the event of a tie, and with the consent of the meeting, the returning officer may resolve the tie by hold further rounds of hustings speeches for a full re-vote or a re-vote between the highest polling candidates. Optionally voting may be held over until a future meeting. If unable to resolve the tie, the ultimate method of resolution shall be by a random method.
7.8 An observer from SURHUL shall be invited to all elections to ensure that they are conducted fairly.
8. Amendments:
8.1 A two-thirds majority at a quorate General Meeting of the Society shall be required to pass amendments to the Constitution.
8.2 Motions to change the constitution must be submitted to the Committee at least three working academic days before the meeting.
9. Finance:
9.1 The Society shall follow all SURHUL financial guidelines, and shall ensure that all monies are handled through the respective SURHUL accounts.
9.2 The Society will complete an annual budget form detailing the year's income and expenditure, and predicted income and expenditure for the following year.
10. Safety:
10.1 The Society will follow all safety guidelines laid down by SURHUL, and the College Safety Office.
10.2 The Society will complete risk assessments, and consider the risks for all activities, responding according to the guidelines laid down by SURHUL, the College Safety Officers, and the Sports Safety Framework
10.3 The Society will inform the Sports and Societies Office of all accidents and incidents.
11. Discipline:
11.1 Failure of the Society or its members to comply with the SURHUL Constitution, Regulations or Policy may result in disciplinary action against the Society.
11.2 Failure of Committee members to fulfil their responsibilities under the SURHUL Constitution, Regulations or Policy may result in disciplinary action being taken by SURHUL against the member. Such action may include requiring them to step down from their position.
11.3 Failure of a Society member to adhere to the Society Constitution, regulations, code of Practice or Guidelines may with the agreement of the VP Communications and Societies result in one of the following actions being taken by the Committee:
(a) A written caution
(b) Exclusion from Society Activities
(c) Expulsion from the Society Committee
(d) student union (SU) Disciplinary Action
12 Declaration
12.1 The Society Committee and all its members shall abide by the SU Constitution, and any rules laid down by SURHUL at all times.
12.2 All activities conducted by the Society are a reflection upon SURHUL and consequently Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL). The Society will not therefore conduct any activity that has not been approved by SURHUL.
13 Interpretation:
13.1 Should the constitution require interpretation this shall normally be done by the Committee although ultimate interpretation lies with the membership by means of a General Meeting of the Society.
13.2 Nothing may be interpreted to contradict the SURHUL Constitution Regulations or Policy, which shall always be binding.
14 Revocation:
14.1 All previous constitutions are hereby expressly revoked.
