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Past society events

This is a list of past events held or celebrated by our society between 2008/10/23 and 2008/12/13.

Members Choice night

So! Turns out that Hellboy 2 is not available in this country as theinternet promised that it would when we made the line-up at the start ofterm. Which calls for an impromptu Member's Choice evening. Sorry, guys. Inthe spirit of last time, I'll supply some sort of list, and any replybetween now and tomorrow would be greatly appreciated.


Stardate: 20081125.1900

Stardate: 20081125.2100
Members Only
The Matrix

Neo (Keanu Reeves) is a bored IT professional by day and by night a hacker.He feels that there is something not quite right with the world and spendshis nights tracking down Morpheus, someone he believes can answer hisquestions. But the truth is far beyond what he could ever imagine and as hefalls down the rabbit hole, he is forced to re-evaluate what is real andfantasy and above all, who he really is.


Stardate: 20081118.1900

Stardate: 20081118.2100
Members Only