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Last Film of the Term - Transformers 2 or Cube

Last Film of the Term - Transformers 2 or Cube

An event hosted by , RHUL Science Fiction and Fantasy society.

As Matt is the outgoing President of IFIS, we decided to give him the choice of the final film this term, and because he's nice and democratic and that (not indecisive, definitely not indecisive) he has decided to let YOU decide what we shall watch out of a (very) shortlist - Michael Bay's explosions and robots special-effectsgasm Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, or the psychological horror Cube.

In Transformers 2, the giant robots that can turn into cars and planes and sometimes stereos fight each other and make big explosions to try and get some Energon or something while Shia Le Boef is generally bumbling and incompetent and Megan Fox gets to stand there and look pretty.

In Cube, a group of strangers are abducted and find themselves trapped in a deadly maze, where one false move can lead to their grim demise. The strangers must work together to find a way out of the deadly Cube. (Also its sequel is called Cube 2: Hypercube and therefore is super awesome.)

So it's low budget VS high budget, awesomeness VS cinematographic ineptitude (I'll leave you to work out which is which.)


Stardate: 20100608.1900

Stardate: 20100608.2300
Members Only

People who attended this event

Martin S.
Martin S.